Welcome to Commodity Education and Training

We, at The Joker Brokers, have a combined experience of over 50 years in the grey market, off-ledger business. We thought that it is important to be educational, informative, and helpful to those that really would like to know about this business. If you are serious about this business it would be very important to be educational and informative.

We are going to discuss serious matters, for people seriously interested in international trade and higher finance.

As a member of our community you will receive periodic emails specific to those interests explored at our blog or The Joker Brokers, and this will include real trade procedures and documentation, compliance issues, fraud, scams, and everything relating to international business/finance from the point of view of those that have closed.

We have associates that are International Lawyers, corporate traders, brokers, export/import experts, intermediaries, even trained Bankers. All of these people find this list, the services, and products offered at The Joker Brokers to be very useful. If you want to learn more about international trading, commodities, import and export, and the whole realm of this business you will benefit from our membership. In fact, we are so sure that if you do not benefit from our membership then we will be more than happy to have you discuss with one of our associates (closers) what it really takes to make a close.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bullet Programs?

Most everyone on the internet has a bullet trade they would like to push and/or advertise. Bullet trades do exist. They do not exist as you would think they do. As with programs, they can give the client a good return on their money. They are using the clients money to generate the revenue.

What about the bullet? What is so great about a bullet trade? Actually, if you have the cash, then nothing. All bullet trades do is create debt for the client. So you are asking what is the point of the bullet trade. First of all there are very few in the world that have access to any real program. About 200 maybe 300 across the world. The number is actually growing fast. Do these programs have bullet programs? Yes they do, but only in rare instances for unique clients and the unique banking element.

For example, if a client has 100 million euros and would like to go into a bullet program what the trader will do is leverage against the 100 million euros to create 1 billion euros. The trader did not create the debt for him or her, but for the client to get the "great" returns. Now the client has 1 billion that can be used for the "bullet." The client also has 900 million euro debt - bottom line!

With a 1 billion euro credit line the trader is able to make good returns for the client, higher than if they used only 100 million euros. The kicker is that once the credit line is created and traded upon the client is stuck in the program because of the debt created.

There are those that claim to have access to a program to produce 100 percent per week and the client will be out of debt instantly or within a week or two. It does not work that way. It all depends on the availability of the instruments to create the program from beginning to end.

Bullet programs do exist for a specific specialized purpose that only a handful of people in the world would be able to participate. It goes back to common sense and why the client would want to create debt, such as the banks do. It is different than what the brokers are portraying on the internet.
Think of any specialized private program this way.  Isn't it important to make sure you have a real performing group with realistic expectations?  How many have you talked to that claim to have done programs deals only to advertise on the internet?  If you have a real performing program what do you think a client would do if you offered a bullet program that lasted three weeks only?
With the lack of available instruments to perform on real programs how could it be so many have access to a bullet that produces just as high of returns (if not higher) and in a short period of time?  They don't!  To learn more about the difference between high and low risk trading please visit:  The Joker Brokers

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Paying attention to detail is Paramount for Success

We, at The Joker Brokers, understand the importance of relationship building.  It is paramount to success.  Even if you have the direct relationship with the most impressive group in the world, what would they think if you didn't pay attention to detail?  What are we talking about?  We are talking about the little things like documents.  You, as the intermediary, broker, introducer, should know how to read a document, bank statement, or any other, with a fine tooth comb.  You, as the introducing party want to have the well established relationship with your productive and performing group.
Paying attention to detail is vital to our business.  If you are engaged with a person or entity, then you have to have wherewithal to "read between the lines" in any type of documentation or email.  What are they emailing you?  How is it constructed?  Just from an email alone you can get a lot of information by how it is written.  How many of you have access to a client with millions of dollars looking to get into the next "best" program?  Read their email over and over.  Read it ten times if you have to.  Learn to Pay Attention to Detail and read between the lines.  This is crucial for you because of the amount of fraud and misrepresentation that brokers and clients believe about private banking programs.
You are serious about this business, otherwise you would not be reading our newsletter.  What is your opinion of someone who email blasts information to the table?  Would you do it?  Even if you KNEW for a fact, you had a real source of supply, or real connection to perform?  Would you do it?
We are very serious about OUR business.  We are so serious about our business, in which, you, have to ask us about those we have a relationship with.  We are not going to solicit you for the business.  One reason is, we do not need it.  We are in it for the long haul and that is all that matters.  We are in business to pay attention to detail, which means we will review your email three times before we respond.  That is how important this business is.
We believe reputation is everything, and we also, believe newcomers should know what is real and what is not.  That is why Paying Attention to Detail is Paramount to YOUR success.  Not ours!
For Commodity Training and Education please visit our website:  The Joker Brokers 
The Place to Stop Wasting Time!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Full Bonding Power

A lot of the time, what happens is a "buyer" of instruments will ask for Full Bonding Power in their procedures.  This is how the story goes.  The supposed buyer is representing a "TRUST" or "FOUNDATION" and they cannot disclose the foundation or trust.  So the buyer that is suppose to represent the entity, (which they all say they have trillions of dollars) will say these procedures have to be followed because they do not want to disclose the entity that has billions or trillions of dollars.
We understand that a representative may want to protect the identity of the REAL Buyer, but the red flag to watch out for is that the bank debentures NEED to be NO POF and in the procedures they will ask for fulling bonding power.
Now, ask yourself this question.  Would you bond over your property to someone without them paying for it?  The answer is an obvious NO!  What is really going on here are two things.  Ignorance and fishing for the real supply.  No real seller will give full bonding power over to anyone unless they know they have the financial capability to do the deal.  
Look at this way with a multi-million dollar instrument.  If the selling entity gave the instrument to someone with full bonding power without paying for it what do you think they will do with it?  It is a chance that no real seller is going to take - period!  Not with all the scammers that are out in this world to take money.  In reality when a "Buyer" is asking for Full Bonding Power"  he/she is NOT the buyer.  They do not have the funds.  We all know that this is principal to principal business and a cash and carry business too. 
So the next time you see Full Bonding Power you know that you are NOT dealing with the buyer even if they say they are.  They aren't!
We have many things to teach at http://www.thejokerbrokers.com

Borrowed or Leased Instruments

Some of the advantages of collateral enhanced bank instruments are as follows:
  1. The bank instrument provider we introduce to you will have CASHED BACK instruments or 100 percent collateral.
  2. With certain circumstances the provider can cause issuance and delivery of the instrument in the name of their client as beneficiary, or assign a bank instrument in their favor.
  3. The only requirement is a corporate undertaking to return the bank instrument prior to maturity.
  4. The beneficiary has the option to (1) return the bank instrument fifteen days to maturity, (2) pay the face value of the instrument at maturity, or (3) renew the bank instrument for an additional term.  It is very unique in today's marketplace.
  5. The issuance of the bank instruments are top European Banks to assure worldwide acceptance of the instruments.
  6. Collateral based project funding has less requirements for the borrower's financial strength than TRADITIONAL project funding.

There is important information to disclose to potential clients:

  1. These products are for experience professionals ONLY!  There will be no advice  relating to the use of the collateral enhanced bank instruments to achieve a client's goal.  We always recommend a client to consult with legal and financial advisers before making the decision to use a borrowed instrument.
  2. The borrower is responsible for arranging and securing their own credit facility through their own banking relationships.
  3. The provider does charge any fees to review a project, but that does not indicate a project will be funded with COSTS involved.  The provider will require a commitment from the client upon request for the bank instrument to be issued or assigned.  All client charges and obligations will be disclosed.
  4. The provider's bank instruments are ONLY available for clients who are CAPABLE to pay for the services they require.  Payment for the bank instrument cannot be paid from ANTICIPATED PROFITS from a transaction.  The provider, nor the banks, works with those that are willing to engage a client which is unwilling or unable to demonstrate their capacity to pay the costs of the provider services.
To learn more please visit http://www.thejokerbrokers.com

Private Placement Program Advertising

Whatever the case may be, if you are an intermediary, broker, facilitator, or self-styled commitment holder or trader, with regard to private security transactions DO NOT take any money whatsoever from investors or other brokers OR make any representations whatsoever to potential investors OR other brokers without first seeking the advise of a lawyer experienced in this area of finance and the law.  Do not ask a client to transfer funds to a bank account without talking to a Lawyer first.  If you do, you have breached the law. This is for your protection and initial warning to how serious this business is.  Just speaking to others about these subjects may be a criminal conspiracy.  Do not think this is a joke.  It is true. Brokering these type of investments invariably involves breaking the law.  The chances are that you will violate the law in one or more of the following ways, making a false representation in an offer or sale of securities or the offer or sell unlawfully unregistered securities, or lastly, an offer or sell a security without being licensed to do so.  In the process you will probably violate the securities laws of the United States, and possibly the fraud and securities laws of foreign countries in regard to international law.  It is important to note that any involvement no matter how remote will bring you within the realm of prosecutors, and these activities are all felonies carrying substantial prison terms.

To learn more please visit http://www.thejokerbrokers.com

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Commodity News

As you know there are millions of misguided intermediaries attempting to get huge commissions through international trade which is very lucrative.  Over ninety-nine percent will never, ever achieve success.  So what is the solution? We, through our own experience, had to get hoodwinked by those to learn the hard way.  Where are we going to start?
We decided to start with a basic trade rule and regulation that you, as the intermediary, are allowed to do.  Do you know that according to international trade law, if you are next to the supply you can represent yourself as the "Seller?"  Yes, it is true.  If you have a supply of sugar, which you know for a fact, you can represent yourself as the seller of sugar.  On the flip side, if you do not know that you have a legitimate supply of sugar, and if the buyer issues anything in your name, you may have issues with trade regulations and law.  Therefore, Bill the computer guy can offer a supply of sugar just as much as your security dealer on the New York Stock Exchange.
UCP: Uniform Custom Practice for Documentary Credits Publication 600.  Financial instruments are letters of credit that are imperative for the intermediary.  To secure any type of fee from the end buyer the UPC 600 letter of credit is necessary.  The rules are international practices that govern the way letters of credit are secured and transacted upon.  What this means is that once you as the intermediary secures the financial instrument marked with the term UCP 600 APPLIED with the end buyer then such rules take over in trading transactions in matters of securing your payment for goods being purchased and/or sold.
With this fact at hand, how do you know if you have a genuine supply?  You don't, if you are pushing offers over the internet.  You have to establish a communication of trust and meet in person.  Here is an example: Let's say you meet Mr. Y who is a supplier of sugar.  You get to know Mr. Y through a few phone calls.  You go and meet Mr. Y and you find out that he has a genuine supply of sugar.  You tell Mr. Y, 'I am going to help sell your sugar for you, but I am going to do it in such a fashion where I am the seller.' (Remember, you can do this with trade regulations).  Mr. Y would like to have more business and prefers not to do a lot of work.  He says okay.
What is the point?  Once you know for a fact that you have a legitimate source,  you can represent yourself as the seller, and the buyer can issue a documentary letter of credit in 'your' company name.  Once you have the documentary letter of credit (in your company name) you are protected from circumvention, you can open the doors to the supply of sugar, and you have a very well established relationship with the seller and the buyer. You solidified the deal in a business like fashion.  In this scenario, both the buyer and seller will commend you for your business ethics.
We are going to use a DCL or documentary letter of credit as a simplified example according to UCP which we mentioned above. A DCL is a document used by financial institutions for an irrevocable payment undertaking.  Most Documentary Letters of Credit are irrevocable which means the DCL's cannot be amended or canceled without prior arrangements with the beneficiary.  When you have a DCL issued by a buyer then you are guaranteed payment.  It is imperative to have the DCL worded correctly for the transaction, and if you have any doubts please consult your attorney.  We know there are various forms of the DCL, but we are using the basics for illustrative purposes.
You can do this with all bulk commodities.  You are not breaking any international trade law or regulations.  In fact, you are performing as international trade would like you to.  There is a way for you to protect yourself in bulk commodities, and the way we have explained it is the way it is done.  If anyone is asking for a BCL, ICPO, or the like, do not entertain it whatsoever.  Make sure to get yourself next to the supply side of the deal.  Then you are the supply.  Do it right, and if not, you are wasting your time.

The art of avoiding the Joker Broker (Aurum) Gold

We are in business to educate, consult, and train those that are new to the growing world of commodities.  As our title, and our website name is The Joker Brokers, it is imperative that you learn the techniques to identify and smoke down a joker.  The definition of a joker broker is a time waster.  This is the person that will not even consider learning the business.  We realize everyone makes mistakes from time to time, but a true joker will continue to make the same mistake over and over.

Therefore, you have signed up for our newsletter and you are tired of those that are wasting your time.  Where do you start?  This is what we are going to do is start with the basic fundamentals of business and international trade.  We do not want to go into one subject as there are many.  You have bulk commodities such as sugar, iron ore, and fuel.  There are other commodities such as diamonds, gold, MTN's, BG's, and SBLC's.  So we had to start at a basic fundamental point.

Before you begin to look at all the offers or deals, begin to understand the business you are in.  It is imperative to learn anything and everything you can about any business.  You do not want to go into it blind.  The difficult part is find out what is right and what is wrong.  With the absolute plethora of information on the internet nobody knows what is right and what is wrong.

This is found on our introductory site, but we have to relay the absurdity of our world today with this point.  There are volumes of gold offers over the internet day after day.  The grand majority of them are fake.  One of the sure signs of smoking the joker broker is seeing if the offer says Aurum Utalium.  Do you know that you can Google Aurum Utalium and there are thousands of brokers, so called mandates, buyers, sellers, trying to sell something that DOES not EXIST.  The absurdity goes beyond common sense.

Aurum is the Latin word for gold.

Argentum is the Latin word for Silver

Aurum "Utalium" does not exist.  It does not exist.  It doesn't exist as a word in any dictionary, periodical, journal, or Latin phrase.  Then again, you have hundreds of brokers, buyers, sellers, supposedly selling or buying something that does not exist.

The point we are trying to make with our first introductory email to you is the absurdity of those that are not even taking common sense into consideration.  There is no such thing as Utalium.
Most all of the gold traders will call it - GOLD!  As the professionals know that GOLD is Aurum, not Aurum Utalium.

So if you think about it for a second if the joker brokers can screw something as simple as this up; how much do you think is really messed up?

The Place to Find out What is Real and What is Not!  http://www.thejokerbrokers.com

Commodity Trading