Welcome to Commodity Education and Training

We, at The Joker Brokers, have a combined experience of over 50 years in the grey market, off-ledger business. We thought that it is important to be educational, informative, and helpful to those that really would like to know about this business. If you are serious about this business it would be very important to be educational and informative.

We are going to discuss serious matters, for people seriously interested in international trade and higher finance.

As a member of our community you will receive periodic emails specific to those interests explored at our blog or The Joker Brokers, and this will include real trade procedures and documentation, compliance issues, fraud, scams, and everything relating to international business/finance from the point of view of those that have closed.

We have associates that are International Lawyers, corporate traders, brokers, export/import experts, intermediaries, even trained Bankers. All of these people find this list, the services, and products offered at The Joker Brokers to be very useful. If you want to learn more about international trading, commodities, import and export, and the whole realm of this business you will benefit from our membership. In fact, we are so sure that if you do not benefit from our membership then we will be more than happy to have you discuss with one of our associates (closers) what it really takes to make a close.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Bank Guarantees Part One

Bank Guarantees are issued from a bank for surety against loss in a future or proposed transaction.  In essence, what a BG does is guarantee a payment on behalf of the owner of the instrument.

How do you get a BG at a discount?  Let’s start with the basics of issuing a BG.  To receive a BG from a top world bank you have to have the financial capability or the funds in the account to receive it.  What that means is you need 100 million dollars in the bank to received the 100 million dollar BG.  Just because you have the said amount of funds in the bank does not mean you are going to receive it.  Most of the clientle using BG’s have had a long term relationship with their bank and other business transactions in which the bank will feel comfortable issuing the BG.  What the instrument is used for is a performance bond of sort in bulk commodities and real estate transactions.

With all of that said, how do you get a BG at a discount?  We have heard story after story of buyer so and so wanting a BG at 80 percent of face value?  Why would a bank  or owner discount a one year instrument for a buyer to wholesale money to them?  The answer is – they wouldn’t.  If you took the numbers you would see how ridiculous this is; so what we are going to do for you in the next article?  We are going to show you the numbers and why no one is going to issue a discounted BG.

To learn more please visit The Joker Brokers


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